Selasa, 04 November 2008

I'll be...

Kali ini gw mau nulis sesuatu di luar gundam. Lagi down nih gara2 sehabis UTS, ga bisa santai happy2 bentar. Banyak banget tugas kelompok yang datang, bener2 rasanya pingin lari aja dari kehidupan kuliah di ITB. Sampai akhirnya beberapa hari yang lalu gw dengerin lagu "I'll be" dari YUI. Lagunya enak, easy-listening pokoknya. Trus penasaran apa sih arti dari liriknya. Kebetulan, gw buka2 folder di komputer unit di kampus, ada yang nyimpen lirik ama arti lagu ini. Trus gw dengerin lagi lagu ini sambil baca artinya... ternyata isinya benar2 menyentuh menurut gw, dan pas banget dengan waktu gw lagi down... jadinya semangat lagi deh... (seperti model2 dalam klip nya YUI ini ^^). Ini translationnya:

I'll be -- YUI

I’ll be I’ve been recalling
About you
You’ve decided on your journey right
Together You have my support no matter when

If there ever comes a time when you feel like giving up
Don’t simply coop up in your room

Walk on the streets
Find back that feeling
Which you felt on this day Oh Baby Try

Over and over again “Play You”
Because there ain’t any other choice but to do it

I’ll be You just have to
Paint it into your own colour
Though there will definitely be uncertainties
Together You have my support no matter when

If there ever comes a time when you feel like you’re losing to loneliness
Listen to the songs that you love

Even if you are
Lost in the crowd
You’ll be able to find it Oh Baby Try

A smile is “Play You”
Because it’ll become your strength

I’ll be I’ve been recalling
About you
You’ve decided on your journey right
Together You have my support no matter when

The time when you find yourself slowly
Beginning to love someone
The courage to protect that someone
Will grow in you

I’ll be Each time you look back
On those little disappointments definitely
You’ll be able to feel the gentleness
It seems life is not something to be thrown away

I’ll be You just have to
Paint it into your own colour
Though there will definitely be uncertainties
Together You have my support no matter whe

Yap semoga yang baca ini post, jadi ikut semangat juga... Jangan lupa bahwa selalu ada yang mendukung kita, baik keluarga maupun teman...


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